Ved Analytics
Ved Analytics - Privacy focused website analytics platform | Product Hunt

Handle Analytics Like A Pro!

A privacy focussed, cookie-free website analytics platform. Get real-time detailed analysis of your website which includes things like User Demographics, Bounce Rate, Browsers, OS etc


Privacy focussed, lightweight cookie free website analytics platform, ensuring compliance with GDPR, PECR, and other regulations.

Real-Time Analytics

Get instant insights with real-time data on user behavior, demographics, and more.


No cookies, no personal identifiers—completely compliant with GDPR, PECR, and other regulations.

User Demographics

Detailed analysis of your audience's demographics, including location, language, and devices.

Bounce Rate Tracking

Understand your site's engagement by tracking bounce rates and session duration.

Browser & OS Insights

Get a breakdown of the browsers and operating systems your visitors are using.


Built with privacy laws in mind, ensuring your data practices are always above board.

Lightweight & Fast

Minimal impact on performance, keeping your site fast and responsive.

Cheap Pricing

Get more number of websites at cheap prices. No limit on number of websites !

Data Export

Easily export your analytics data in various formats for further analysis or sharing.